Created by Nick Williams, CEO of NOW Interactives, Faces of Innovation (FOI) is an event series that brings together South Florida’s leading executives and influencers to honor top innovators across various industries. Each of the themed events highlights a specific industry, which can range from healthcare to real estate, and bridges companies with consumers through an interactive and immersive experience. FOI is where technology meets taste, with the style of sophistication of the Miami skyline.
Since it’s founding, Faces of Innovation has honored several top industry leaders including Gil Dezer, Randy Parker, John Turchin, partnered with premiere brands, like Tesla and Lexus, and has brought together hundreds of Miami’s elite crowd.
Faces of Innovation is constantly expanding to include new partners and industries. If you have an event idea in mind, would like to partner with us, or sponsor an event, reach out to [email protected], and we’d be happy to work with you to bring the concept to life.